Tư vấn Khung Năng lực Tập đoàn Điện lực EVN
1. Unit 1
- 1.1 Giới thiệu
- 1.2 Learning Outcome
- 1.3 EVN Competences Mapping Project
- 1.4 Functional mapping
- 1.5 Competency Framwork Development
- 1.6 HR Cycle
- 1.7 Understanding Competency – concept, product
- 1.8 Competency product
- 1.9 Behavioral vs Functional Paradigms
- 1.10 Sumary
- 1.11 Classifying competence
- 1.12 Level of the role | Span of control
- 1.13 Activity
- 1.14 Level of the role | Complexity of the role
- 1.15 Activity
- 1.16 Những điểm chính trước khi đi vào chi tiết 5 levelsls
- 1.17 level 1
- 1.18 level 2
- 1.19 level 3
- 1.20 level 4
- 1.21 level 5
- 1.22 Q n A
- 1.23 Level of the role activity | skip
- 1.24 Transferability
- 1.25 Follow up Q n A
- 1.26 Activity
2. Unit 2
- 2.1 recap unit 1
- 2.2 intro unit 2
- 2.3 Functional mapping
- 2.4 Functional mapping rules
- 2.5 4 rules
- 2.6 Functional map concept proc
- 2.7 Functional mapping operational proc
- 2.8 Dissageration
- 2.9 Functional mapping example
- 2.10 Using a functional mapping
- 2.11 EVN key purpose
- 2.12 Key roles and key functions
- 2.13 Futher dissageration
- 2.14 Q n A | activity
- 2.15 exercise | skip
- 2.16 recap unit 2
3. Unit 3
- 3.1 Intro unit 3
- 3.2 Recap definition: competences
- 3.3 Structure
- 3.4 Competence Statement
- 3.5 Elements
- 3.6 Performance Criteria
- 3.7 Explanatory notes
- 3.8 NZ example
- 3.9 example
- 3.10 Terminology within competences
- 3.11 Q n A
- 3.12 Purpose of competency
- 3.13 Using competency
- 3.14 Q n A
- 3.15 Recap
- 3.16 Q n A | tham khao CSDL NZQA
- 3.17 Q n A | tham khao CSDL UK standards
- 3.18 Q n A | tham khao CSDL Australia
- 3.19 Q n A | tham khao CSDL arab saudi
4. Unit 4
- 4.1 unit 4 intro
- 4.2 Writing competency for EVN
- 4.3 Matching
- 4.4 Gap analysis
- 4.5 Activity
- 4.6 Requirements
- 4.7 Activity
- 4.8 QnA
- 4.9 Competency Standard recap
- 4.10 NZQF, EVN role levels, writing competencies
- 4.11 Competency Framwork
- 4.12 Linking Competency Framwork to job roles
- 4.13 Writing job positions
- 4.14 Recap unit 4
- 4.15 Q n A | plan next week
- 4.16 Review
5. Writing parts of Competency Framework
- 5.1 Intro
- 5.2 Refresh memory
- 5.3 Level descriptor
- 5.4 Act part 1
- 5.5 Act part 2
- 5.6 Writing competency standard
- 5.7 Questions to build
- 5.8 Gather info
- 5.9 Act 2 – part 1
- 5.10 Discussion
- 5.11 Act 2 – part 2
- 5.12 Cấu thành của tài liệu năng lực
- 5.13 Competency statement
- 5.14 Act 3 part 1
- 5.15 Act 3 part 2
- 5.16 Element statement
- 5.17 Blooms taxonomy
- 5.18 QnA
- 5.19 Type
- 5.20 Element statement | go back
- 5.21 Act 4 part 1
- 5.22 Act 4 part 2
- 5.23 Performance criteria
- 5.24 Act 5
- 5.25 Range statement
- 5.26 Example
- 5.27 Performance criteria table
- 5.28 Explanatory note
- 5.29 Act 6
- 5.30 Type | Activity 7
- 5.31 Purpose statement | activity 8 (skip)
- 5.32 Time and Version
- 5.33 Drawing information from International Standard
- 5.34 Peer reviewing
- 5.35 QnA
6. Competency Bassed Assesment and Design
- 6.1 Intro
- 6.2 Competence Based Assesment (CBA)
- 6.3 Design Approach
- 6.4 Assesment – the importance
- 6.5 Assesment – principal
- 6.6 Assesment – types
- 6.7 Assesment – selection
- 6.8 Assesment – design
- 6.9Assesment – learning
- 6.10 Assesment-task
- 6.11 QnA
- 6.12 How is this assesment question?
- 6.13 Questions when designing assesment
- 6.14 Intergrared assesments
- 6.15 Design assesment task
- 6.16 Step 2: assesment checklist
- 6.17 Traits of good assesor
- 6.18 Quality assurance-Evidence qualities
- 6.19 Triangulation of evidence
- 6.20 Main roles in workplace assessment
- 6.21 Verification
- 6.22 Example of a verification form
- 6.23 Activity: create a verification form
- 6.24 Natually occurring evidence
- 6.25 Question 1: When to update the questionaires for CF?
- 6.26 Question 2: How to implement this standard for EVN CF?
- 6.27 Question 3: Can we give any score to each of the personel in a certain position?
- 6.28 How to demonstrate the impact of CF assesment to EVN?
- 6.29 Difference of employing the competence in recruiting and in daily worklife?
- 6.30 Some other questions…
Competence Standard Writing Workshop QnA